Behind the manor house, on a lawn sloping to Gardiner's Creek, the archeologists have uncovered traces of 17th-century outbuildings that appear to run down to the water.
Archeological excavations on the Jörgenberg have uncovered traces of a Bronze Age settlement, an Iron Age Raetian settlement and some Roman items.
He uncovered traces of Pack hair, engine oil, and food.
Another focus of his work was the presence of Neanderthals at Bordul Mare (Şureanu Mountains), where he personally uncovered traces of habitation after a 1954 expedition.
"And yet, before the attack you found-did discover- did uncover traces of mysterious activity-of gene meddling-of secret Uplift?"
The question surfaces periodically as studies uncover further traces of radium and mercury in the aquifer that supplies much of South Jersey.
His explorations in the Amazon basin of Bolivia have uncovered distinct traces of major earth-moving modifications to the landscape made by pre-European cultures.
Forensic investigators can use a dilute solution containing the enzyme to uncover traces of blood remaining on surfaces at a crime scene.
Recent archaeological research has uncovered traces of wars as far back as the Jōmon period (ca. 10,000-300 BC) between the various tribes existing on the Japanese Archipelago.
The work uncovers visible traces of the past.