A total of fifteen specimens have been uncovered, including an almost-complete shell.
So far, 11 structures have been uncovered, including homes, a food storehouse and a sauna for ritual sweat baths.
The researchers also uncovered cold-hammered copper tools, including small pins and hooks.
Research uncovered more than 1,000 incidents across 132 local authorities, including at least 35 councils who have lost information about children and those in care.
The computer analysts also uncovered several updated versions of the list, including one devoted to children 1 to 7 years old.
Researchers had been uncovering increasing evidence of elaborate art and artifacts from the region, including specimens of 4,000-year-old pottery.
Inspectors said they uncovered serious problems at 28 homes, including fire and safety hazards in 20.
Several days later detectives uncovered more evidence on Braunstein's personal computer, including a detailed plan that described the attack that occurred.
The first archaeological dig in 1954 uncovered the remains of the early settlement, including a workshop area which attracted international interest.
Excavations uncovered a mass burial (Burial 4) with parts of eleven people, including two women and a child.