Still, I can't imagine he would uncover anything after all of this time.
The Malta connection was uncovered after months of investigation.
Pauline Bloom believes that it's natural to want to use the interesting ideas and circumstances we uncover during research or after some hard thinking.
With luck, the theft wouldn't even be uncovered for days after Kalink and his wife returned.
The truth was uncovered after the 1995 fire, as part of the safety commission that was conducted.
But the shrine priests uncovered the reliefs in 1957, five years after the end of the American military occupation.
The prince uncovered one after another, and found them all filled with gold dust.
The diversions, which were uncovered after her departure, are thought to have started in 1990.
In all probability, however, the deed will be uncovered the day after tomorrow, when the room is torn up.
Just long enough to uncover all the windows after the coffin left the house.