Their uncouth manner may explain to the wondering observer why they've been out there all these years still waiting for a table.
A red beard along with an uncouth manner would have been too offensive.
Everyone assembles for dinner, and Mathurin's uncouth manners soon become apparent.
Can't get a single name right and has the most uncouth manners.
Young man, there is America which at this day serves for little more than to amuse you with stories of savage men and uncouth manners.
He also visited England (1692-1697), but his uncouth manners and bad temper alienated him from the society there.
For all his uncouth manner, he's obviously highly placed, very decisive.
They go to a country house in Essex and have trouble with their uncouth manners but help some upper class friends have a romance.
Despite his uncouth manner and four-letter language, no editor is more courted by senior Conservative politicians.