Taz snatched at her spring pistol, the uncounted hours of practice over the years making the movement smooth and fast.
There, he had spent uncounted hours trying to think his way past and through the complexities of Imperial and Trantorian government.
There, deep in the thickest worldforest, Nira passed uncounted hours in a mystical experience.
His skin was thick, leathery, from uncounted hours spent sitting in the sun and meditating atop a mountain, high above the lines of shading trees.
Then God Himself came onto The Argo in the uncounted hour.
But he was an instructor in police combat tactics, and had spent uncounted hours on the firing range and in simulated drills.
He spent uncounted hours screening the museum's library of tapes.
Silliness tends to set in after long uncounted hours at the dance collection.
When Drustan had died, he'd gone and stood outside the castle for hours uncounted, staring at its dark and silent silhouette in the gloaming.
Dax had made her last humorous comment uncounted hours ago.