The novels that present her unconventional views have become modern classics.
Though intellectually deep, he is often attacked for his unconventional views and life-style.
Bowden holds unconventional views on the future of the media in the 21st-century.
Along with other unconventional views, he was noted as possibly the first parish priest of his time to wear a beard.
They have, for the most part, named slates of nominees not known for unconventional views.
Given his unconventional views (as revealed in his Will) this transition must have been not too difficult.
He was referring to his unconventional view that his team's front office would be run by committee.
Ms. Briscoe espouses some unconventional views for a school board candidate.
Some suggest that the queen's strong political and unconventional religious views might have been due not just to a strong character, but to foreign descent.
Its unconventional views on religion and relations between the sexes led to much controversy.