Each building designed by Nari is as an example of unconventional thinking in architecture.
By definition, the job calls for unconventional thinking.
He justifies all his acts through claims of modern, unconventional thinking, and comes up with hollow arguments meant in fact to enslave women.
The quartet's lineup virtually demands unconventional thinking; all of its music has to be built of no more than four notes at a time.
The report also provides 15 "principles of successful new product marketing," which mix common-sense observations with some unconventional thinking.
Many of Macgregor's colleagues thought his unconventional thinking may have harmed his chances for promotion.
Still, the Israeli Intelligence services were known for imagination and unconventional thinking.
The reason for such unconventional thinking is the mysterious Yao Ming, the 7-foot-5 center from China.
Multiple perspectives are at heart of futures studies, including unconventional thinking, internal critique, and cross-cultural comparison.
As a practical guide to improved leadership, the book highlights unconventional thinking and actions that can be used to bring about outstanding results.