Mutawa recognizes that in a country where things are rarely what they seem, it helps to approach problems in an unconventional manner.
"Reverting to a Wild State" is told in an unconventional manner: it starts at the end and proceeds to the beginning.
He is known for his unconventional manner and mastery of the Socratic teaching method.
Cecil had drilled himself an oil well in a most unconventional manner.
But he smiled at her and offered his arm again in the unconventional manner.
She once said regarding the complaints of her unconventional manners: "Let them complain, I am just as happy nevertheless".
"I think my brood brother died in some unconventional manner, and that the embassy is trying to cover it up."
To honor the occasion, Piersall decided to run the bases in a rather unconventional manner.
One of the options available may be to exploit Europe's gas reserves in an unconventional manner.
One leg penetrates the table top in a totally unconventional manner.