There were many extremely negative reactions to film, largely due to the unconventional form or because it was viewed as an indictment against America.
How natural Gehry makes it seem, traditional urban living within notably unconventional forms.
You are not surprised to find cognac on the menu, even in the most unconventional forms.
Can Xue's abstract style and unconventional narrative form attracted a lot of attention from critics in the 1990s.
Such unconventional forms of hydrocarbons have been slowly gaining value relative to their conventional cousins for the past 20 years.
It did not become so by repressing innovative and unconventional forms of aesthetic expression.
New, unconventional forms of teaching have been adopted during the academic year 1996/97.
At first, the song gained little popularity, perhaps because of its length and unconventional form.
The unconventional form in which the film realised its aims brought it international acclaim.
Reversible computing is generally considered an unconventional form of computing.