While still rich in wildlife, much has been decimated because of agriculture and exploitation of forest resources destroying habitat as well as uncontrolled hunting.
Actually the biggest threat to tiger survival is habitat destruction and the uncontrolled hunting of tiger-prey species.
She put in strong laws, stopped uncontrolled hunting and logging in the reserves.
But, largely thanks to uncontrolled hunting, there are now only around 60,000 other animals, including deer, on which the tigers prey - about one-fifth of the number required.
One of the biggest problems is the uncontrolled hunting of animals in the area.
The settlers brought large agricultural expansion, uncontrolled hunting, and new diseases to the deer with the introduction of new domestic and feral animals.
According to Asada in 1997, the region suffers from uncontrolled hunting throughout the desert and the governments of the three countries cannot establish control.
These low numbers are attributed to uncontrolled hunting by locals and soldiers, in conjunction with diseases introduced from cattle and loss of habitat.
Wildlife in the delta was further threatened by uncontrolled hunting during the civil war in Mozambique.
In Greenland, however, uncontrolled hunting is pushing many species into steep decline.