Ms. Jamieson disagrees, arguing that displays of uncontrolled emotion at inappropriate moments are damaging to both men and women in politics.
The band named the album "Riot" because they liked the definition: "A sudden outburst of uncontrolled emotion"
Faust's relationship with her is intense but destructive, for both of them give way to uncontrolled emotions.
Lee apologized for the remark and his uncontrolled emotions.
My forefathers have a history of great violence due to uncontrolled emotions, he explained.
As always, Chernobog's shadow voice aroused the pathetic creature to a frenzy of uncontrolled emotion.
They called the album "Riot" because it meant "a sudden outburst of uncontrolled emotion".
"The fervor, the fury, the intensity, the uncontrolled emotions, the struggle of the human spirit, the unbridled passion?"
His grey eyes flashed with an inner fire, not of uncontrolled emotions but of anger at having to ask for the information.
This triggered the last avalanche of uncontrolled emotions.