She was wholly in the grip of uncontrollable terror.
The spectacle of the boundless, lonely sea had thrown most of them into an almost uncontrollable terror.
My first emotion was one of uncontrollable terror - a sense of getting something which I had not bargained for.
I saw the fear on her face, had the odd experience of sensing her sudden uncontrollable terror transmitted right through me.
His heart began to pump, the wildness of irrational uncontrollable terror.
James knew Doyle would have said that the woman brought the tragedy upon herself, through her uncontrollable, irrational terror.
Their horses bucked and reared in uncontrollable terror and in the confusion none of the friends could sort out what was happening.
He could feel it come up through his hand and along his arms, a faint rhythmic sensation at just the right frequency to suggest uncontrollable terror.
Tas felt a sudden, uncontrollable terror seize him.
At night, it has been reported, he would scream in uncontrollable terror.