Top 5 Tips for Earthquake Safety It's an uncontrollable situation - the earth is shaking, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
"We are dealing with more uncontrollable situations these days," Ms. O'Connor said.
He had never felt so vulnerable, or so caught in the middle of an uncontrollable situation.
The promise of cocaine profits is causing an increasingly uncontrollable situation.
"We were told by the state government that if we did not act positively, it would be faced with an uncontrollable situation," the official said.
Senior commanders, it appears, have shown no interest in taking over a potentially uncontrollable situation.
Situations building into uncontrollable situations that lead to injuries.
Federal officials, concerned that leaking chemicals might mix and produce "an uncontrollable situation," began to stabilize the site.
A military takeover, though, does not seem imminent since senior commanders have shown no interest in taking over a potentially uncontrollable situation.
Instead he suggested that the new details reinforced the notion that they were involved in a "wild" and uncontrollable situation.