Nigeria, after all, once stood as the uncontested leader in Africa.
Now with its eighth studio album, "Farmhouse," and with the demise of the Grateful Dead, Phish has become the uncontested leader of the jam-band brigade.
From there he went to Algiers, where he met de Gaulle, by then the uncontested leader of the Free French.
The presence of uncontested leaders helps.
After years of jousting with Bazaar for fashion supremacy, Vogue became the uncontested leader, and the flagship of Conde Nast.
Around 600, Namri Songtsen, one of the several Yarlung tribal chieftains, become the uncontested leader of the several Yarlung clans.
YBC remains the uncontested leader on the volume of production and the export of Armenian brandy.
Graham became the Browns' uncontested leader, but he was also "just one of the guys," tackle Mike McCormack said in 1999.
Thorez remained secretary-general and uncontested leader of the PCF until his death in 1964, but he suffered hemiplegia in 1950 and was often in Moscow for treatment.
This eventually led him to be the sole uncontested leader of the Party and the Soviet Union.