Don't be such a baby, Aydee, she told herself, unconsciously using her father's language.
During their first meeting, he was unconsciously using his ambient powers and accidentally created a living dragon out of glass.
Incidentally, this is the natural system - the one you use automatically and unconsciously when you play any ball game.
"You will come to me," said the child, speaking in a voice of calm certainty which she often used unconsciously.
The warrior was moving too quickly in these painfully close quarters, consciously or unconsciously using Kirk's comrades for cover.
Zeki theorizes that artists unconsciously use techniques to create visual art to study the brain.
She was fading away, unconsciously using her ace power to turn insubstantial to the world.
And hadn't she had been ready to assume that she was guilty of unconsciously using her Empathy to manipulate others?
He, alone of all of us, was able to unconsciously use the stone to focus his thought into material objects.
He could've been unconsciously using this power of his to re-create the effects of whatever happened back then.