Unless I miss my guess," Skeeter said quietly, while unconsciously running one hand across his bare pate, "we have about half an hour to reach the gate.
Baedecker smiled and unconsciously ran a hand over his scalp.
She unconsciously ran her hands over the smooth surface of the wood, feeling the grain polished by hundreds of customers over the decades the Dagstrom family had been in business.
He unconsciously ran his hand through his hair, causing it to stand on end.
Dawson unconsciously ran her hand down the nape of her neck, feeling her own incipient crop of red hair.
Again, this is why it is called a Trojan horse - you have to consciously or unconsciously run the .
Bashere spent more time peering into his winecup than looking at anything else, but whenever his eyes touched Logain, he unconsciously ran a thumb along his sword hilt.
Claire leaned forward in sudden exasperation, unconsciously running her finger through her hair to sweep from her forehead the silky lock that habitually fell forward. " "
His gaze was riveted on the screen visible above the operator's head, his tongue running unconsciously back and forth across his dry lips.
"Oh yes," said DiNardo, unconsciously running a hand across his side.