He also asked abortion rights supporters not to blame "the unconscionable acts of a few" on the "millions who advocate a pro-life position."
"This is a clear and unconscionable act by one manufacturer."
Around them, the shocked crew stared at him, at his unconscionable act.
He wrote that the reading of the law by the dissenters was "an unconscionable act of judicial activism."
"Your country," the letter said, "will pay a terrible price if you order unconscionable acts."
"Do not allow the unconscionable acts of two foolish people to determine your decision about the future of an entire town."
"And that would be an unconscionable act by every measure of the word," he scolded.
"What she did was the most unconscionable act, even in an industry not known for its conscience," he said.
But we do ask for some minimal evidence of disapproval for the academy's insensitive and unconscionable act.
But how can a director approach objectively a story about an unconscionable act?