Aviation Week magazine carried an article on the drones that November, though it was based on informal and unconfirmed information.
Eugene Kaspersky continues his day-to-day work at the company and has stated that the unconfirmed information being spread at the moment is harmful for the company.
"So, Judy feels free to push unconfirmed information from Drudge," Atrios wrote sneeringly.
There are unconfirmed information that the glasses in the middle dome are imported from Italy.
Field goes back to drinking and is drunk on the day of an important campaign function, resulting in Constance blabbing unconfirmed information about his opponent.
There is unconfirmed information that the engine was accidentally started with full throttle.
The call to battle was based on unconfirmed information from Amnesty International and press reports.
Recent reports about unconfirmed or erroneous information that seeped into American and British intelligence dossiers have served as a rallying point for critics.
It ran at a slow 0.89 MHz (according to unconfirmed information).
There is an unconfirmed information that it was rebuilt as SU-5-2, armed with 122 mm howitzer M1910/30.