Generous, unconditional foreign aid during the cold war not only blurred Kenya's economic vulnerability but also spurred growth of a monolithic regime that thrived on corruption and nepotism.
Lee, who has ditched the "sunshine policy" of engagement pioneered by Kim Dae-jung in the late 1990s, ended unconditional aid to the North in 2008.
This is not an outlook that Americans can in conscience reward with unconditional military aid.
Gramlich and Galper (1973) estimated that in the USA an additional $1 of unconditional aid to state and local governments induced, on average, a $0 43 increase in spending.
With the entry of the Soviet Union in the war, the British and American governments agreed to send unconditional aid to their Russian allies.
It is certainly not strong enough to extract unconditional aid from the developed nations, habitually suspicious of what happens to their money once it reaches Third World administrations.
Soon, in terms that would be instantly recognizable to a World Bank representative, he is urging Castro to halt unconditional aid.
Roosevelt's Soviet Protocol Committee was dominated by Harry Hopkins and General John York, who were totally sympathetic to the provision of "unconditional aid."
Let us give unconditional aid to the population and kick-start the economy.
Lee, a conservative who ended unconditional aid to the North four years ago, said the coming year could bring change in cross-border relations and, perhaps, progress on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme.