Jabs went on to describe, with unconcealed delight, the "gorgeous" eight-million-square-foot factories where 10,000 Chinese churn out quality bed sets 70 hours a week.
"Now he's in for it," hissed the Eternal Prince Widd in unconcealed delight.
In the meantime, to the unconcealed delight of the Bulgarian authorities, Muslims are trouping back home.
Lifting her head, she smiled up at him again, this time with unconcealed delight.
Lew smiled a little over this, and Margaret basked in his unconcealed delight.
He stood on the lip of the gully pointing his disruptor at her, his expression one of unconcealed delight.
The stylist added with unconcealed delight, "I've never had that much money in my chair before."
The accusations, the insults, the unconcealed delight in his misfortunes, none of this ruffles the 31-year-old Swede.
"I'm going to have a piece of the profits from the show," Curtis said last month, with unconcealed delight.
Galley-rumour, with unconcealed delight, had represented you as Attila come again.