Sackman has asserted a "direct and uncompromising musical voice - one in which cogent argument and powerful fantasy are realized in strikingly memorable forms."
He could hardly have picked a more uncompromising narrative voice.
Salinger's enormous popularity-particularly with the young - is because his wise and uncompromising voice comes through so clearly in his stories.
Xavier growled in an uncompromising voice, "Anybody who wants to argue about it can do so afterward - at your court-martial."
The voice, authoritative and uncompromising, revelled in its masculinity.
"Into your suit," an uncompromising voice said.
David, this is the Brig. Again it was the voice of the old warrior, hard and uncompromising.
The government-backed unions are trying to portray themselves as the true and uncompromising voice of the workers:' outflanking Solidarity to the left', as one commentator put it.
"A guide is ready," Richmond said, his voice hard and uncompromising.
"I was just about to send for you," Katherine said, her voice harsh and uncompromising.