He quickly built a cult following amongst supporters of the club with his tough and uncompromising defensive style.
Walker's uncompromising style of play earned her the sobriquet "Wacker".
He also created a building in an uncompromising minimalist style to function as a museum for his work.
He had a tough, uncompromising style, always committing himself to the contest.
It also perfectly reflected the uncompromising style of the group's music.
The General's hard-headed and uncompromising style did not help in this regard.
He was noted for his uncompromising style and willingness to take contrarian stands.
Frank is nicknamed Fearless for his uncompromising style on track.
But even some allies wonder whether his uncompromising style on abortion can be self-defeating.
Not known for his kicking efficiency, Frawley has a tough and uncompromising defensive style of play.