Albums are sold in a CD-quality uncompressed format (PCM / WAV, at 44.1 k Hz x 16-bit only.
Instead of using the Save command, use Save As, and store the picture in an uncompressed format, like TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), which preserves all remaining details.
Additionally, D3 provides a lossless algorithm applied to RAW file along with uncompressed and lossy-compressed format.
It is a sibling of MPlayer, and can convert all the formats that MPlayer understands into a variety of compressed and uncompressed formats using different codecs.
While those customers would likely appreciate a higher quality download option, the music industry already provides them with higher-fidelity uncompressed formats, such as CDs, SACDs, and vinyl albums.
The OTA Bitmap format is a monochrome, uncompressed format using one bit per pixel.
Some cameras also have an option to store the pictures in an uncompressed format (like TIFF).
Today, distribution also takes place in uncompressed format (KEXP-Uncompressed, a Seattle-based Internet radio station;
Besides uncompressed formats and lossless compression formats that can usually be interconverted without any loss of detail, there are compressed formats such as JPEG, which lose detail on nearly every compress.
While a conversion from a compressed to an uncompressed format is in general without loss, this is not true the other way around.