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He was the prettiest bird in Xanth or Ptero, because of his iridescence, but was also uncommonly intelligent, and a pleasant companion.
Uncommonly ugly, according to Democritus, he is uncommonly intelligent.
I am a smart veterinary student, and my husband is an uncommonly intelligent engineer.
But all four were uncommonly intelligent, and with the exception of Williams, they all went on to lead happy and productive lives after their playing days had ended.
But that kind of excellence should be the last thing to put readers off this uncommonly intelligent, elegant and thoughtful piece of writing.
"This is an uncommonly intelligent fellow of yours, Don Benito," whispered Captain Delano across the table.
Frost hints at unusual, uncommonly intelligent animals escaping from the military base.
The site's consensus states the film is "Tense, nicely shot, and uncommonly intelligent, The Crazies is the rare horror remake that works."
And uncommonly Intelligent, amiable and gifted as well?
It helped that she was a centaur, for even the youngest of centaurs is uncommonly intelligent, educated, and poised.