It's an uncommon trait in females, but it's not unheard of.
Atkins is just dumb - not an uncommon trait among violent criminals.
This is by no means an uncommon trait of Canadian character.
Mahāmaudgalyāyana was also known for having clairvoyant powers, an uncommon trait amongst monks.
This uncommon trait does exist in Visual Basic .
Another trait uncommon to mammals is the testes are found inside the abdominal cavity.
Bobby is intelligent and even-tempered (an uncommon trait among his club-mates), but unafraid of using violence when necessary.
Morkai's continued interest in the world he had left behind was not an uncommon trait in the spirit world.
I guess this is not an uncommon trait in human beings.
An uncommon trait of the lined seahorse is that the male is the caregiver.