As a student he displayed an uncommon interest in books, so she arranged with his father to get the son a job in publishing.
It gives us a new, and quite an uncommon interest in the dinner.
The series ranges over a broad field and features people of uncommon interest.
You seem to take an uncommon interest in my affairs today.
There had from time to time been signs of an uncommon interest.
Though their son showed an uncommon interest in playing, it was hard to find a Suzuki teacher willing to take on someone so young.
No doubt there is a murder at hand which presents some features of uncommon interest?
I went out this morning with a strong and clear intuition that I might find something of uncommon interest.
Or perhaps all Australians were like that, took an uncommon interest in everyone's affairs.
At times she cropped a mouthful of grass, but for the most part watched with uncommon interest.