The stealing of another goat was attended with an uncommon degree of perplexity and trouble.
The game's skill point system affords the player an uncommon degree of liberty in character improvement.
And, in these suspicious times, it takes an uncommon degree of trust to leave your mail out there beside the street all day long.
What these produce is just another printing process, but a process with an uncommon degree of detail at large scale as well as unprecedented longevity.
But now the auto and oil industries are going to have to cooperate to an uncommon degree.
Her daughter enjoyed a most uncommon degree of popularity for a woman neither young, handsome, rich, nor married.
He saw that the young man was dripping to a most uncommon degree and called for his boat-cloak.
"All agree that you show an uncommon degree of penetration."
Having this in view, he worked with an uncommon degree of industry, and in less time than usual had learned and said his lesson.
Of course, that's asking for an uncommon degree of patience.