He awoke slowly and painfully, blinking unsteadily up at the uncomfortably bright, greenish-yellow glow of the ceiling.
She loved her talent, but it did have the small disadvantage of making daylight uncomfortably bright for her.
His eyes were uncomfortably bright.
Still, the for- est floor seemed an uncomfortably bright place to the dwarves of the Theiwar army.
One moment he was closing his eyes against the uncomfortably bright light which he had not been told how to douse.
The orange moon, riding high, cast an uncomfortably bright light over the meadow.
Lighting unbalanced and uncomfortably bright.
The Sun, an uncomfortably bright pin point, still poured far less heat across the comet's crust than had the black giant at its worst.
The room seemed uncomfortably bright, so she snuffed most of the candles with the exception of one branch over the fireplace.
The lighting was uncomfortably bright but his eyes were adjusting to it.