It was an uncomfortable memory, for that strange descent had led to an underworld where magic reigned, and the normal laws of nature were overthrown.
Edward had a sudden, uncomfortable memory of Hannele.
Does not memory of 1812 raise certain uncomfortable memories?
Last night seemed a long time ago, but it was still an uncomfortable memory.
Paul, with uncomfortable memories of the place, wanted to go somewhere else, but Finnerty was already out of the car and on his way in.
Muldoon made an exasperated face; this whole scene brought back uncomfortable memories of his boyhood.
That brought back uncomfortable memories, and I shuddered involuntarily.
Something subtle flickered in her dark eyes, not outright emotion but perchance an uncomfortable memory.
The act brings back uncomfortable memories of Dino's murder for Lana and Luca.
I saw it when i was about 15, and it still stirs uncomfortable memories.