There is no doubt that working people since medieval times ate some sort of morning meal, but it is unclear exactly at what time and what it consisted of.
It was unclear Thursday exactly which charge in the 64-page, 25-count indictment Mr. Velella would plead guilty to.
New York will have more time to prepare, though it is unclear exactly how much.
It was unclear exactly where the ball hit.
It is unclear exactly what led to Mr. Giglio's departure.
While some laws are very specific, others employ vague terms such as "sodomy" or "bestiality," which lack legal precision and leave it unclear exactly which acts are covered.
It is unclear yet exactly under what terms the sale will be conducted.
It was presented by the owner of Vale Royal Abbey mansion during this time, although it is unclear exactly by whom and when.
His meaning wasn't exactly unclear.
The fact that we were ground zero in the event of an attack, and that the world was nuclear, was not exactly unclear to us.