In addition, African languages include several unclassified languages and sign languages.
A fair number of unclassified languages are reported in Africa.
The list of language families, isolates, and unclassified languages below is a rather conservative one based on Campbell (1997).
Kapinawâ is an extinct unclassified language of eastern Brazil.
List of language families (including isolates and unclassified languages)
There are proposals linking this unclassified language with Nadahup, but also with other languages.
From 1955, Rollier found his own original and unclassified pictorial language.
It may be related to Namla, a neighboring unclassified language.
Kamar is an unclassified language spoken by a tribal people of central India.
However, in the absence of further work, Oropom remains an unclassified language.