I had no business bringing my children to this uncivilized place.
Alice Springs is isolated, but it is not an uncivilized place.
A right uncivilized place, it sounds like.
Georgi Shardnadze knew a lot about uncivilized places.
I do think, in all honesty, that life aboard the ship is far preferable to that wicked, uncivilized little place.
Here, in this uncivilized place, there was room to stride and stretch, a relief from the ordeal of getting here.
He hated being responsible for a woman in this uncivilized place, especially one so young, who should have a future.
To the contrary Ms. DiGrazia, this is quite an uncivilized place to live.
You had to maintain standards even in an uncivilized place like this.
They traveled alone in uncivilized places, without benefit of stretch pants and Wash 'n' Dri's.