They are unchallenged masters of the Underworld.
Athens was the unchallenged master of the sea, and also the leading commercial power, although Corinth remained a serious rival.
IFOR is the unchallenged master of the scene.
It needs only the defeat of America to make him the first unchallenged master of earth.
In the performing arts, he was an unchallenged master and set the standard for all who followed him.
In the 1930s Gielgud was recognised as the unchallenged master in classical roles.
I longed to acquire every power that man ever could acquire, so that we should be unchallenged masters of all nature.
Now we, who had been unchallenged masters of the world, were poor and beset like the South Slavs.
They were so close to ultimate victory, making themselves and their spawn the unchallenged masters of the world.
And that will leave Zsinj the galaxy's unchallenged master!