President Cosic's departure would leave Mr. Milosevic in unchallenged control of Yugoslavia.
And Iarescu has unchallenged control of the Mandela estate, as well as agreements with the ganglords in neighbouring areas.
In return, successive presidents helped Mr. Azcarraga preserve his near monopoly and unchallenged control over Mexican television.
The pilot went on, "We do still have fuel enough to re- turn to Italia, where the Race holds unchallenged control."
In 1881 he urged Ōkuma Shigenobu to resign, leaving himself in unchallenged control.
For the next 350 years the Guidi family would have, largely unchallenged, control of the Casentino.
It should be under unchallenged, permanent Armenian military control.
He soon made clear his desire for unchallenged control and for preparing the mujahideen to fight anywhere in the world.
In 1976, after three "cod wars" with Britain, Iceland gained unchallenged control over the fisheries out to 200 miles.
McFetridge retired from the union in 1964, leaving Sullivan in unchallenged control.