The Indian classical dance system is one of the oldest and most comprehensive in the world, having an unbroken tradition that goes back 2000 years.
Since then, engraving the team and its players has been an unbroken annual tradition.
Their family has an unbroken tradition of Qawwali for over 600 years.
This does not guarantee that the dance has an unbroken tradition going back a thousand or more years, but it seems very likely.
"There is no other democracy which has a ceremonial introduction of a new political leader within an unbroken tradition," he said.
Wales' other unbroken tradition is its step or clog dancing.
The second ingredient in the Mahayana is its own unbroken tradition.
Jokkmokk Market has a long history and has a more than 400-year unbroken tradition.
Supporters also state that the ban has an unbroken, 1,300-year tradition.
Wales can claim one of the oldest unbroken literary traditions in Europe.