Because of their basic construction, the toilets often overflowed during powerful rains, making an unbreathable atmosphere prevail in the camps.
Think of the way plantlike bacteria released oxygen into an otherwise unbreathable atmosphere.
The unbreathable atmosphere, the total lack of organic life, the sub-sub temperatures?
Very little water; thin, unbreathable atmosphere; and Bliss detects no signs of mental activity.
We came to a waterless world with an unbreathable atmosphere.
Life support: Converts the planet's unbreathable atmosphere to human-breathable air.
He stood there, unprotecteds holding his breath against the unbreathable atmosphere of Mars.
The thick, unbreathable atmosphere carries traces of what to us are corrosive and poisonous substances.
Heavy elements can be found on most of their planets of course-as well as completely unbreathable atmospheres.
To most of us, Earth is a world of skeletal cities, rotting garbage, unbreathable atmosphere.