"Leave it open," he said very softly in the trade language, our secret, unbreakable code.
At the time, he argued that unbreakable codes in the hands of terrorists would threaten every country's security.
Was it that Stiggy had broken an unbreakable code?
"For centuries man has labored to develop an unbreakable code for private messages," she said.
We who embrace the craft do so in the light and live by an unbreakable code.
"Maybe the Dominion's come up with an unbreakable code."
I had a special, unique, unbreakable code inside me.
New computer power gives wide access to unbreakable or virtually unbreakable codes.
If we let that out, the Swiss will know we've broken their unbreakable code.
"There is no such thing as an unbreakable code, Ensign."