One should question a scenario based on wishful thinking and unbounded faith in technology and military solutions.
Farmer Young, with unbounded faith in his doodlebug, had bought land in the area.
Nevertheless, it was through intense hostility and opposition that the young art made its way, pushed forward by Edison's own strong personality and by his unbounded, unwavering faith in the ultimate success of his system.
I have unbounded faith in those prayers, both for and with, in which there is much affection.
His courage and exploits were legendary, and his crews were said to have unbounded faith in him.
'Defiance of all suspicion, and unbounded faith in her brother.'
Neither did he share BUF leader's unbounded faith in modern science, instead taking a more sceptical and ambivalent stance.
"Our record of successes against champions of Tomanâk doesn't exactly inspire me with unbounded faith in your confidence, Paratha," Varnaythus said coldly.
If only we can let him recapture for us that time when we faced the future with childhood's unbounded faith.
As was said at the time, "...he has unbounded faith in women's ability to succeed in architecture...provided they go about it seriously."