What was important was that for the next hour or so the three teenagers looked in awe on some of the most amazing, exciting, unbelievable images they had ever seen in their lives, people doing things they had never even dreamed could or should be done.
Indeed, by evening, the media were looping unbelievable images of the tsunami, a terrifying liquid juggernaut sweeping the northeastern coast of Japan.
And then she could see, rampaging towards them, unbelievable images straight out of Scotland's past.
At 22:12 26th Oct 2011, Jane Dean wrote: WOW, this could only be produced by the BBC - it was first-class, stunning, with so many beautiful unbelievable images!
"This was probably the most thoroughly filmed hijacking in history, so I figured that if I could gain full access to the television network archives, I would have some really unbelievable images."
"Newer Older" Frozen Planet: Filming in the polar wilderness 10:12pm on 26 Oct 2011 WOW, this could only be produced by the BBC - it was first-class, stunning, with so many beautiful unbelievable images!
I found myself thinking about the unbelievable image of Jill as a mom . . . Her thin, fit figure with a bulging belly . . . a shower with just us girls.
After a week of watching her city descend into chaos and despair - after seeing the unbelievable images of the city's poorest and most vulnerable citizens struggling to survive - Cheryl Bratt said she could not care less about what she may have left behind and lost.
I Love You All (2004), a film on the surveillance and the control in DDR also speaks about it - representing extreme and almost unbelievable image of a society which has acquired one super-narrative and developed a system which makes it impossible to even speak about the possibility of anything outside it.
Centre Ocean Stream is a unique company renowned for their spectacular performances with characters transformed beyond recognition into unbelievable images moving in coloured light.