When it was dark and unbearably cold, they returned to Remo's room in the hotel.
The hearthstone was unbearably cold on the backs of her thighs.
It's unbearably cold in here, and I can't sacrifice any power just for comfort.
With friends, this is a cool world, without friends, it would be unbearably cold.
The room was unbearably cold, and its heavy atmosphere lay on her like a weight.
The wind blustering through the broken window rapidly made the car unbearably cold.
As I laid stretched out in the tub, the water became unbearably cold.
Thinking of death with no one else here beside him, Kim suddenly found this dull alien hospital unbearably cold.
The air washing into the hatch - utterly, unbearably cold.
I tried resting my head against the pipe, but it was unbearably cold.