It takes one man's unbearable truth and bashes us in the skull with it.
I remembered seeing Jayne's blood in the snow when I did not know the unbearable truth about her.
Spock returned to the almost unbearable truth.
Too much light means unbearable truth, and too much truthful light sears a man's eyes into an unraging blindness.
When the human brain is presented with an unbearable truth, it rushes to supply a more acceptable explanation of the facts.
But the tests can uncover unexpected and sometimes unbearable truths.
But while the tests often lead to joyful reunions among immigrant families, they are forcing others to confront unexpected and sometimes unbearable truths.
His own madness, his own unbearable truths, were buried deep.
When the police visit the Brooks home to question Jane about a classmate's murder, Daddy instinctively senses the unbearable truth.
The shock generated as the unbearable truth sank in made Cadillac go weak at the knees.