Although palletisation was the future, these early Palvans were found to be very sensitive to unbalanced loads and prone to derailment at higher speeds.
Vibrations are reduced and the machine will detect unbalanced loads, so the cycle runs smoothly and quietly.
The butt stuck out on one side of his shoulders and the muzzles on the other, making an awkward unbalanced load.
If the neutral is smaller than the phase conductors it can be overloaded if a large unbalanced load occurs.
You've got an unbalanced load on the plane.
A single rope locks can typically secure a static unbalanced load to 50 pounds.
Not between here and Two-it's a short, low haul, and the projector makes an unbalanced load.
Caroline sat straight up in bed, heart thudding like a Maytag with an unbalanced load.
Slaunchwise, because of the unbalanced load.
She was trying to maneuver a heavy, unbalanced load of hot coffees and pastry-enough food for a group of a dozen longshoreman.