"We wouldn't normally recommend such an unbalanced diet," says Dr Rahman.
Some people believe that the unbalanced diet resulting from feeding Kea human foods, has a detrimental effect on the birds' health.
Malnutrition refers to the situation where there is an unbalanced diet in which some nutrients are in excess, lacking or wrong proportion.
It could lead some ill-informed dieters to unwittingly cut back too far on calories or to follow an unbalanced diet.
This has been documented to a lesser extent in vegetarians and semi-vegetarians following an unbalanced diet.
A number of skeletal problems may occur in young animals with an unbalanced diet.
Specimens of all three species were fed an unbalanced diet, too rich in either fat or protein.
The effect could be seen, he added, even if the specimens had been kept on an unbalanced diet only for a day.
But she ignores her needs, eats a very unbalanced diet, never exercises or has physical checkups.
There are no unhealthy foods - only unhealthy, unbalanced diets.