A handout from Jemez Pueblo's Walatowa Cultural Center actually forbids "unauthorized publication of information."
After the Restoration he was named to the committees to inquire into impropriate rectories and unauthorized Anglican publications.
Mr. Daniel spent five years in prison and a labor camp after his conviction for unauthorized publication of his works abroad.
There he countered various unauthorized publications of his music by obtaining his own publishing privilege.
He endangered relations with Great Britain by the unauthorized publication of confidential diplomatic correspondence in a Green-book on Abyssinian affairs.
Due to the unauthorized publication of an article by Volker Braun, Bahro was dismissed as deputy chief in 1967.
"Gerd Rubahn" is a pseudonym used by Royale and related labels to disguise the sources of unauthorized publications.
This unauthorized publication became known as the "Bahr Paper".
Can a photographer be held responsible for the unauthorized publication of his images?
Another alleged case of unauthorized publication came with the poet Edward Young, who sent a poem to Curll for publication, with a letter of solicitation.