The quote, unattributed as usual, seems to be from a radio interview.
After being the focus of unattributed quotes by teammates criticizing his indifferent attitude, Perez played the best all-around game of any Met last night.
His grave marker includes the unattributed quote "In another time and place he would have been called prophet."
Others commented on the similarity of unattributed quotes in the book to opinions which had been voiced by Pitt, implying that he was a key source.
Jerome (1934) gives an unattributed quote about finance conditions that allowed the great industrial expansion of the post WW I period:
He felt quite sure his unattributed quotes had done their appropriate damage, reminding Bennett who was in charge.
A famous but unattributed quote linked to Manchester is: "What Manchester does today, the rest of the world does tomorrow".
Later, both on his blog and in The Independent, Hari said his use of unattributed quotes was only a clarification.
There's a long unattributed quote and an unsourced reference to a photograph.
"The allegation is based on an unattributed quote, which we have no reason to believe is accurate," a spokesman for Ernst & Young, Charles Perkins, said.