Gaius Marcellus Major paused, his dark, not unattractive face reflecting his enjoyment.
Grace's face, already unattractive, took on an even uglier cast.
Most often viewers do not see the face, famous or unknown, attractive or unattractive, that belongs to the portrait of hands.
Like similar gold coins, they reveal the surprisingly unattractive faces of former Spainish monarchs.
Her face, too, was thin and deeply seamed; but it was not an unattractive face.
It was driven by an elderly woman with a gaunt, unattractive face; she'd had plastic surgery around her mouth that had not gone right.
Her unattractive face became prettier as she talked of the rumour she had heard.
Neonates and infants gaze longer at attractive faces than at unattractive faces.
Baldwin, even sleeping, had a strong and not unattractive face, with the exception of his hair, which was entirely missing.
Not an unattractive face, neither cute nor beautiful, but with maturity creeping into its features, hardening them a bit-or was that her imagination?