But for most members of Congress, network coverage is still an unattainable goal, he said.
The quest, more than the end product, possessed them, and they never achieved their unattainable goals.
Trying to be perfect is all well and good, as long as you understand it's an unattainable goal.
One common, although often unattainable goal, is to have the patient awaken from the coma.
The real challenge now is not to stamp out terrorism; that's an unattainable goal.
To wish for an unattainable goal, however, may mean achieving possible ones that one might not otherwise consider.
In fact, some people have criticized them as empty promises to reach unattainable goals.
The prince reached out as if to stroke her hair, but stopped his hand just short of its unattainable goal.
If you set unattainable goals, you'll only become extremely frustrated with your running and racing.
Again, massive and unattainable goals lie ahead of us.