Instantly her opinion struck me as unassailable truth.
It leaves us,' he continued, 'with one unassailable truth.
Frequently they took refuge in platitudes and rhetoric, delivering as unassailable truths ideas which are elsewhere accepted as very much open to debate.
If you want the unassailable truth, you can examine our memories.
His universe had toppled, pinning him in the wreckage of his unshakable beliefs, unassailable truths.
He is best known for being, however, a trifle odd, still another example of F. Scott Fitzgerald's unassailable truth that "the very rich are different from you and me."
One unassailable truth emerged from Manny's monologue: the fact that, like little Sierra Leone, Cambodia was "big."
His statements were couched in biting, crisp accents, as if each yielded an unassailable truth; those who disagreed earned sideglances of contempt.
The government publishes it on the first Friday of each month, and it immediately assumes a status of unassailable truth.
She stared at him, unable to come up with a retort because what he had said struck her, at that instant, as the unassailable truth.