The members of the crew, entirely unarmed, were clustered close to him.
Two of the men were armed members of the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) and a third was an unarmed member of the group.
Roads between government and rebel-held areas have been reopened, and last month officials agreed to allow unarmed members of the Tigers to move between rebel strongholds by boat.
These unarmed members hold the designation of Provincial Offenses Officer and are primarily responsible for the orderly flow of traffic and parking offenses.
He tries to storm into it unarmed and rebuke the gang members, oblivious to the hazardous stupidity of doing so.
His own rifle bumped gently against the insulated back of his environmental suit, leaving Dax the only unarmed member of the party.
They are uniformed, unarmed members who perform a similar role to their UK counterparts in the Special Constabulary.
EUPOL COPPS is composed of 111 unarmed members of staff, 70 of whom are International and 41 local.
The term peaceworker is usually reserved for civilian, unarmed members of non-governmental organizations.
On April 30, 2008, 35 unarmed members of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government blocked the five perimeter gates.