Under certain circumstances, such as an unanticipated increase in the price of the services generated by an asset, its value may increase rather than decline.
In Southeast Asia, an unanticipated increase in the number of refugees fleeing has put additional pressure on countries like Thailand.
This crisis results from an unanticipated increase in the number of abandoned, neglected or abused children eligible for foster care in the last two years.
In the last two years, New York has experienced an unanticipated increase in the number of abandoned, neglected or abused children eligible for foster care.
The actual cost for most projects had significantly exceeded the estimate due to an 18-month lag time and an unanticipated increase in the price of construction materials.
One factor, Administration officials said, is an unanticipated increase in the number of admissions of Medicare patients to hospitals, but that does not explain all of the discrepancy.
The homes are desperately needed because of an unanticipated increase in the number of abandoned, neglected or abused infants eligible for foster care in the last two years.
Its costs exploded because of unanticipated increases in health care prices and because elderly people went to their doctors more often than anyone expected.
These risks include possible further rises in commodity prices and unanticipated increases in indirect taxes and administered prices.
In particular, risks stem from the dampening impact on consumption and investment of further unanticipated increases in energy and food prices.